Most popular mongabay.com news articles - June 2014
- Singapore intercepts massive illegal shipment of Madagascar rosewood [27,065]
- Discarded cell phones to help fight rainforest poachers, loggers in real-time [15,925]
- Camera trap captures first ever video of rarely-seen bird in the Amazon...and much more [6,392]
- In cutting deforestation, Brazil leads world in reducing emissions [5,817]
- Mining company attacks scuba diving tourists in Indonesia [5,418]
- Grenades, helicopters, and scooping out brains: poachers decimate elephant population in park [5,189]
- Culling elephants leaves an impact on their social structure decades later [5,154]
- Despite moratorium, Indonesia now has world's highest deforestation rate [4,934]
- 'Penis snake' discovered in Brazil is actually a rare species of amphibian [4,541]
- Protecting rainforests could sequester equivalent of a third of global emissions annually [4,078]
- Monkeys reset camera trap, capture first-ever images of flat-headed cats in park [3,465]
- Using Google Earth to protect uncontacted tribes in the Amazon rainforest [3,286]
- Despite green pledge, Wilmar partner continues to destroy forest for palm oil [3,269]
- What's an environmental journalist to do with so much good news? [3,159]
- Bears, cats, and mystery mammals: camera traps in 'paper park' prove its worth protecting [3,012]
- Indonesian logger: cleared peat forest doesn't have high conservation value [2,773]
- Oil company breaks agreement, builds big roads in Yasuni rainforest [2,659]
- Next big idea in forest conservation? Work locally, relentlessly, and, if necessary, ignore the government [2,200]
- Shot vulture leads conservationists to bizarre black-market for bird parts [2,102]
- Unrelenting population growth driving global warming, mass extinction [2,086]
- New study finds environmental damage globally may cost more than U.S. GDP [1,934]
- PhD students 'thrilled' to rediscover mammal missing for 124 years [1,864]
- Of jaguars and loggers: new film to showcase one of the least-known regions in the deep Amazon [1,839]
- Tipping the scale: how a political economist could save the world’s forests [1,743]
- The quiet zoo revolution [1,711]
- Intact Amazon forests show possible signs of global warming impact [1,615]
- Chinese fishermen get the ultimate phone video: a swimming tiger [1,577]
- Researchers discover new species of wolf snake in Cambodia, name it after an Australian zoo [1,548]
- Over 800 species added to IUCN threatened list, including 44 lemurs [1,514]
- World Heritage Committee takes ten minutes to reject Australia's bid to strip forests of protection [1,344]
- After throwing out referendum, Ecuador approves oil drilling in Yasuni's embattled heart [1,276]
- Logger continues to destroy Indonesian rainforest despite green promises (Photos) [1,261]
- RSPO plantations publicly mapped for the first time [1,237]
- New species has its anus behind its head [1,231]
- The palm oil diet: study finds displaced orangutans have little else to eat [1,203]
- Wilmar to investigate palm oil company allegedly destroying orangutan forest [1,190]
- Colorful bird on remote Indonesian islands should be classified as distinct species, say scientists [1,183]
- Ever heard of the hirola? New survey shows world's rarest antelope holding steady [1,158]
- Dying for Fiji's Sea Cucumbers [1,139]
- Despite poaching, Indian rhino population jumps by 27 percent in eight years [1,094]
- Visiting the rainforest - a practical guide [1,091]
- Facebook, Twitter to carry 24 hours of live rainforest animal sightings on Monday [1,040]
- Chinese poachers caught with 555 marine turtles, most dead (PHOTOS) [1,021]
- Tropical nations make progress in slowing deforestation [999]
- Chelsea, Hillary Clinton urge action to save elephants [996]
- Trawling: destructive fishing method is turning seafloors to 'deserts' [979]
- Is Cameroon becoming the new Indonesia? Palm oil plantations accelerating deforestation [934]
- 'Hope springs eternal': the anniversary of the death of Lonesome George [930]
- Four donors pledge $80 million for big cats [925]
- A carnivorous rodent? Researchers found one in Indonesia [924]
- Broken promises no more? Signs Sabah may finally uphold commitment on wildlife corridors [920]
Italicized titles represent news articles posted during the month
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Madagascar Wildlife
Dancing lemurs
Don't fall asleep the sloths will eat you
Sucking on this frog may make you insane
Mount Kenya
East Africa Safari Wildlife
Kenya's Turkana People
African Wildlife
Madagascar Chameleons
Hallucinogenic frog bag
Madagascar wildlife bag