Most popular mongabay.com news articles - January 2014
- New dolphin discovered in the Amazon surprises scientists [33,118]
- Investigation finds Chinese factory slaughters 600 whale sharks a year [11,446]
- Rainforest news review for 2013 [10,867]
- Biggest new animal discoveries of 2013 (photos) [8,139]
- PHOTOS: Glowing fish - study finds widespread biofluorescence among fish [8,017]
- In precedent-setting case, palm oil company fined $30M for destroying orangutan forest [7,538]
- 287 amphibian and reptile species in Peruvian park sets world record (photos) [7,389]
- 'Penis snake' discovered in Brazil is actually a rare species of amphibian [7,137]
- Through careful management, indigenous people have shaped Asian rainforests for 11,000 years [5,614]
- NASA picture reveals shocking impact of California's drought [4,902]
- Malaysia has the world's highest deforestation rate, reveals Google forest map [4,586]
- One quarter of sharks and rays threatened with extinction [3,848]
- Scientists uncover new crocodile in Africa [3,675]
- Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2013 [3,532]
- Norwegian insurance giant blacklists palm oil companies [3,363]
- Rainforest Alliance to independently audit APP's zero deforestation commitment [3,103]
- Powered by Google, high resolution forest map reveals massive deforestation worldwide [2,715]
- Visiting the rainforest - a practical guide [2,247]
- Population growth and associated food demand to take heavy toll on rainforests [2,050]
- Over 75 percent of large predators declining [1,848]
- Tree islands more effective way to replant the world's forests [1,827]
- Snow leopards and other mammals caught on camera trap in Uzbekistan (photos) [1,789]
- Lions face extinction in West Africa: less than 250 survive [1,488]
- Little elephant is the first scientific record of dwarfism in the wild [1,457]
- Land conflicts complicate effort to spare forests from palm oil in Borneo [1,457]
- Next big idea in forest conservation? Integrating forest conservation, use, and restoration [1,435]
- Amazing discovery in Antarctica: sea anemones found living upside down under ice (photos) [1,415]
- Cambodian communities best placed to prevent illegal logging [1,358]
- Python explodes after swallowing 6-foot alligator in Florida Everglades [1,352]
- Requiem or recovery?: the Sumatran rhino 200 years after its description [1,348]
- China to destroy ivory stockpile [1,345]
- Next big idea in forest conservation? Using drones to catch poachers, monitor forests [1,328]
- The dark side of new species discovery [1,318]
- Trophy hunters auction off life of Critically Endangered black rhino [1,218]
- Feral creches: parenting in wild India [1,212]
- Environmental groups: top secret Pacific trade agreement to sacrifice wildlife, environment [1,204]
- Scientists make one of the biggest animal discoveries of the century: a new tapir [1,188]
- The next best thing: how well do secondary forests preserve biodiversity? [1,151]
- World's biggest palm oil company makes zero deforestation commitment [1,112]
- Pity the pangolin: little-known mammal most common victim of the wildlife trade [1,111]
- World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005 [1,065]
- U.S. palm oil company fined $4.6m in discrimination suit [1,056]
- Key highland habitat for rare condor protected in Ecuador [1,023]
- Brazil begins evicting illegal settlers from hugely-imperiled indigenous reserve [1,021]
- Underestimating global warming: gaps in Arctic temperature data lead scientists and public astray [952]
- Bromeliads may actually protect fruit trees from pest damage [950]
- Next big idea in forest conservation? Integrating forest conservation, use, and restoration [931]
- Company accused of logging endangered rainforest trees in breach of timber legality certificate [916]
- Good news: Refuge for last blue-throated macaws doubles in size in Bolivia [845]
- Over 2,500 wolves killed in U.S.'s lower 48 since 2011 [836]
Italicized titles represent news articles posted during the month
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Madagascar Wildlife
Dancing lemurs
Don't fall asleep the sloths will eat you
Sucking on this frog may make you insane
Mount Kenya
East Africa Safari Wildlife
Kenya's Turkana People
African Wildlife
Madagascar Chameleons
Hallucinogenic frog bag
Madagascar wildlife bag